Full Spectrum Infrared
Sauna Therapy

Saunas are known for heat and sweating, and while that’s the desired outcome, there are benefits that far surpass heavy perspiration. From pain management to weight loss to improved skin, it’s amazing what health outcomes are possible with infrared therapy.

Book a Sauna Session

Schedule an Infrared Sauna session at Live Free Health and Fitness, or add to any massage service. Please book at the link below.

Heat therapy reduces inflammation, and the combination of heat and light stimulation improves circulation and builds immunity.

  • Immune Boost
    Infrared therapy especially benefits people who might have an immunocompromised system or ongoing illness and who need some added help. Our infrared sauna’s intense heat will naturally induce an artificial fever, similar to what the body does when infection strikes. Near-infrared light, in particular, helps trigger cell repair and enhance the bodies immune response.

  • Detox
    Your body is constantly trying to eliminate an arsenal of toxins, many that our ancestors never dreamt of; pesticides, toxic metals, PCBs in plastics, environmental pollution, and even GMOs. Our infrared saunas help detox your body using patented Tecoloy™ heaters. This heating technology increases toxin removal from 3% to 15% when compared to conventional saunas.

  • Lower Blood Pressure
    High blood pressure is one of the most prevalent health issues among adults, mostly due to sedentary lifestyles, diet, and general stress and hypertension. Infrared therapy allows the body to better regulate blood pressure by increasing heart rate and providing what would be the equivalent of a moderately paced walk. In a sense, the far infrared heat therapy exercises your heart to lower your blood pressure.

  • Natural Healing
    Your body has this amazing ability to heal itself. Cuts, scrapes, bruising and scars all eventually fade as time passes, often with a little help from some antibacterial cream or stitches. Infrared therapy can help expedite the healing process as a complement to your natural healing ability. Near-infrared promotes cell regeneration and reduces inflammation.

  • Pain Relief
    With near-, mid- and far-infrared light and heat, you can enjoy relief from arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, sports injuries and other ongoing discomfort and pain.

  • Weight Loss
    According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, regular use of an infrared sauna provides the same cardiovascular outcomes as running. Infrared saunas heat your body directly, raising your core body temperature. This boosts your cardiovascular function and creates a fat-based sweat to help your body burn calories.

  • Stress Reduction & Tension Release
    Sometimes stress manifests as headaches, muscle stiffness and panic attacks, but all of that can be reduced or eliminated by making infrared sauna therapy a regular part of your lifestyle. The effects of infrared heat are far reaching, literally penetrating deep within your muscles.

  • Skin Rejuvenation
    European Beauty Specialists and medical professionals both confirm that infrared sauna therapy will improve skins appearance since cleansed pores are a natural byproduct of sweating. The more hydrated you are the better! With the far infrared heat provided by our unique Tecoloy™ heaters, the removal of skin impurities increases along with the stimulation of collagen production. The result? Reduced acne, improved skin elasticity and an overall brighter complexion.

Deep sweating helps reduce toxins commonly picked up from our environment, including levels of lead, copper, zinc, nickel and mercury, along with many other health benefits. Within minutes of starting an infrared sauna session, your body’s natural response begins – sweats appear on your skin, your blood vessels widen and blood flow increases. Studies show that infrared saunas can help boost heart health and reduce blood pressure, and our body’s response is similar to that of an exercise session.

Nourish your body, mind and spirit. An infrared sauna takes care of all three at the same time.