
At Therapeutic Bodywork, Grace Gilroy, LMT, uses a variety of deep tissue techniques including trigger point therapy, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization and sports massage. In my six years of practice, I’ve found these particular techniques to be the most effective in addressing issues, helping to alleviate specific points of pain, problems caused by repetitive movement injuries, and postural compensations from daily living.

  • Deep Tissue Full Body Massage
    Deep pressure strokes while including trigger point therapy on areas of concern. 

  • Trigger Point Therapy
    Deep pressure on areas of concern, for example, shoulders rounding forward from hours of computer work.  

  • Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
    Stainless Steel Gua Sha Scraping Massage.

  • Sports Massage and Passive Stretching

    Designed for active clients needing release of adhesions (knots) and deep passive stretching. “Pin and stretch” is muscle-specific and involves “pinning” the muscle of the belly with a finger, elbow or tool while moving the muscle attachment away from that point and stripping through the muscle. 

  • Basalt Hot Stone Massage 

    Hot Stone Massage helps eliminate stress and helps to facilitate healing. The stones are made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock that retains heat. The stones are heated between 130 and 145 degrees. It's great for releasing toxins, relieving pain and improving circulation. The heat from the stones leads to deep relaxation and to warming tight muscles, enabling a therapist to work more deeply and more quickly.

  • Shiatsu

    Shiatsu focuses on the connective tissue (joints and fascia) and also works with the body's energy flow known as Qi. A Shiatsu session is done on the floor with the client lying on a padded mat. Direct pressure is placed on various points or channels in the body using a combination of kneading, pressing, tapping and stretching techniques. Shiatsu is performed through loose clothing and does not use oils.

  • Himalayan Salt Stone Massage

    Heated Himalayan salt stones are used to manipulate soft tissue. Himalayan salt stones contain 84 naturally occurring minerals. The minerals gently exfoliate the skin and the heat penetrates the muscles deeply. The salt stones give off negative ions. Himalayan salt is said to lower blood pressure, increase circulation, boost bone health and prevents muscle cramps, and may relieves anxiety and insomnia. 

Deep tissue massage gradually relaxes, lengthens and removes adhesions in our muscles, removing pain and restoring our full range of mobility in a relaxing way.