Frequently asked questions.


What’s the difference between Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage?

The primary difference between Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage is the level of pressure involved. Swedish Massage is for relaxation and releasing tight, tense muscles. If you’re recovering from an injury, Deep Tissue Massage can be helpful as part of your recovery program.

What should I wear to a massage?

For a full body massage, you can opt to keep your shorts or pants on, or go completely without clothes. You will be always draped. Massage therapists are very skilled at protecting your modesty and making you feel comfortable.

Why does my massage therapist tell me to drink water after my massage?

During a massage, lactic acid, metabolic substances and toxins are released into the blood stream as a result of manipulating the muscles. Water helps the body flush out any accumulated materials.

Can I drink alcohol before a massage?

Drinking alcohol before massage should be avoided, as toxins are released into the bloodstream as a result of massage. The effects of alcohol are heightened after massage – and not in a good way!

What kind of oils are used during a massage?

We use 100% cold pressed coconut oil. Coconut oil is a rich source of fatty acids which is moisturizing for the skin. It also has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Does insurance cover my massage?

Some insurance companies cover massage. It’s always good idea to submit the receipt and provider notes to attempt at getting the services covered.

Do you need to go to school to be a massage therapist?

Yes. 1,000 hours of education are required to be a licensed massage therapist in the state of New York.


Is bruising normal after a Deep Tissue Massage?

Bruising after a Deep Tissue Massage is common. Deep Tissue Massage manipulates tissues in a way that causes the blood to rise to the surface of your skin, resulting in bruising. It’s normal to feel sore after a massage, as well. This is our physical response to inflammation as our body heals. This will get easier as your body becomes used to massage. Additionally, massage can exacerbate undiscovered injuries.

Can I lift weights after a Deep Tissue Massage?

It’s recommended to wait 24 hours to exercise after receiving a Deep Tissue Massage as your muscles are softer and looser following the session and you’ll be more likely to injure yourself.

I have a new injury. Can I get a massage?

For any type of injury, it’s recommended to wait 48-72 hours after the injury before receiving Deep Tissue Massage. Especially with acute injuries like strains or sprains, it’s best to wait.

Do you recommend ice or heat for pain?

Ice is recommended for the first 72 hours after an injury because it helps reduce swelling and decreases inflammation. Inflammation and swelling cause pain. Heat helps soothe stiff joints and relax muscles.


Should I tell my massage therapist what medications I’m taking?

Yes, please alert your massage therapist of all medications you’re taking. Pain killers and blood thinners are especially important. Pain killers can alter your perception of pressure and pain, which will interfere with your perception of the depth of massage. Blood thinners can make a person bruise more easily making Deep Tissue Massage unsuitable.

Should I tell my massage therapist about any medical issues I may have?

Yes, it’s important to alert your massage therapist of any past accidents, injuries or illnesses. It’s important to disclose all injuries over your entire lifetime, even if it was 25 years ago! Your body may still be holding the effects of the injury. Sometimes an injury as a kid can cause postural compensations later in life.

Can I get a massage while pregnant?

Massage is not recommended until the second trimester. Heat will not be used on the table at any point in massage for pregnant women. Deep Tissue Massage during pregnancy can relieve swelling, tension and stress. However, some pressure points must be avoided. Massage therapists stay safe by avoiding pressure point associated with the pelvis, wrists, hands and ankles.


If I miss an appointment, what is your refund policy?

We have a 24-hour cancellation policy. There are no refunds for missed appointments.

What if I’m late arriving to my appointment?

Please arrive on time for your appointment. Time for your appointment has been specially
arranged for you. If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. We’ll do our best to provide you with the services you have booked, but cannot guarantee the full time if you arrive late. Full payment for your scheduled services will be expected.

What if I need to cancel?

If you need to reschedule your appointment, you can log into your account and make changes anytime. For late notice cancellations, please call us as soon as possible. Cancellations without 24-hour notice may result in a charge for your session, as that time has been set aside specifically for you.

The best way to fix a problem is to fix it before it’s a problem.