Plunge Tub

Though it may seem like a modern trend, the idea of ice bathing has survived through centuries and across cultures. From Ancient Egypt to the modern-day Olympics, cold water has played a prominent part in humanity, filling many roles.

Cold Plunge Sessions

Schedule a Cold Plunge session at Live Free Health and Fitness, or add to any massage service. Please book at the link below.

Fat Loss Protocol
The goal of this protocol is to activate shivering, which triggers the release of succinate from the muscle tissue. Succinate activates brown fat thermogenesis and large increases in metabolism and fat loss

  • Shiver in the tub for 1-3 minutes then get out and continue to shiver outside the tub for 1-2 minutes (do not dry off or cross arms)

  • Once shivering slows down repeat again up to 5x

Overall Health Protocol
This protocol increases energy levels, enhances creativity, boosts metabolism, reduces inflammation, elevates mood, and smoother digestion

  • Infared Sauna for 30 minutes

  • Get out and do 20 sets of air squats to increase internal temperature

  • Get in plunge for 30 deep breaths occasionally dunking the head

  • Exit and do 1 min of vigorous exercise, ex. jumping jacks

Three Minute Plunge
This protocol is good to reduce joint pain, decrease inflammation, booth mental and physical resilience, elevate mood and trains the fight/flight response.

• Set temp to 46 degrees and hop in for 3 minutes

We have become alienated from nature, but the cold is capable of bringing us back to what we once had lost.

Wim Hof

When you enter cold water, your blood vessels constrict to protect your vital organs. Simultaneously, your Central Nervous System starts to produce a hormone and neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. Norepinephrine helps with blood vessel constriction and boosts levels of energy, attention, and focus in the brain!

Ice bathing after an intense workout can provide relief for muscle soreness and possibly lead to improved performance in the long term, as the low temperatures help reduce inflammation in the body. A quick cold plunge can also reduce swelling and tissue breakdown and improve blood flow. This is all thanks to the interaction between cold water and our brains.

  • Recovery/Performance
    Cold plunge benefits extend beyond the mental and chemical aspects of your body... Sports medicine has utilized cold water therapy for years, to help the active recovery of muscles.

  • Immune Boosting
    Being immersed in cold water stimulates leukocytes, the white blood cells that help fight off sicknesses. It also causes the lymphatic system to contract, forcing fluid through the lymph nodes. This process aids in detoxing the body and strengthening your immune system.

  • Pain Relief
    The boost in norepinephrine you'll get from consistent ice baths has been shown to be up to 5x. This neurotransmitter can dramatically reduce inflammation and help with chronic pain.

If you tiptoe into cold water, you’re missing out on the rush of plunging in headfirst.