Learn more about our healing modalities and how they can benefit you.

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  • Let’s Get Physical: Incorporating Strength Training with Massage

    At Therapeutic Bodywork, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness. Today, we want talk about the importance of strength training — aka the “heavy lifting” – we can do to maintain our bodies before and after a great massage.

  • Instrument-Assisted Massage: Getting to the Heart of the Matter

    Sometimes our bodies need extra assistance to get them feeling great and performing optimally. That’s why we love instrument-assisted massage, a form of massage in which a specialized tool is used to target and treat soft tissue for health benefits.

  • Yoga & Massage: Combining Modalities for Ultimate Results

    Yoga and massage are proven ways to decrease stress and elevate our overall quality of life. At Therapeutic Bodywork, we’ve found that weaving these healing modalities can lead to outstanding results. We have created a space to facilitate the practice of both, together or solo.

  • Making the Most of Your Massage: Tips for an Amazing Session

    While it’s true that when you’re in the hands of your massage therapist your primary responsibility is to relax, there are practices you can employ before and after your massage to aid in the healing process. Read more for tips on prolonging the benefits of your massage.

You’re only one massage away from a good mood.