Treating pain and inflammation to help you feel better.

Grace Gilroy, LMT

I’ve been a Licensed Massage Therapist for over six years. I’m passionate about healing and learning the different ways that people heal. Everyone heals differently – some people need only a few sessions to relieve their issue, while others need more.

My undergraduate degree is in Psychology. I’ve always been drawn to research that looks at the mind-body connection. One of my favorite quotes is “the issues are in the tissues.” I also love the quote from Donna Jackson Nakazawa, a science journalist who studies immunology and human emotions. Nakazawa says that “your biography becomes your biology.”

It wasn’t my intention, but I find myself working mostly on people who have chronic pain. The techniques I use are a blend of Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Shiatsu, NMT, and Myofascial Release. I intuitively integrated all of these methods to address pain – and it works! If it’s a muscular issue, then I can fix it. I’d love to help you feel better, too.

Common Complaints & Issues I Treat:

  • TMJ

  • Neck Pain

  • Migraines

  • LBP

  • Sciatica

  • Carpal tunnel

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Internally-rotated shoulders

  • Anterior & Posterior pelvic tilts

  • Knee pain

  • PSOAS, and more…

Why do I have pain and knots?

Tissue trauma can happen during working out, daily tasks, and repetitive movements at work. For example;  new mothers holding their baby predominantly on one side, shoulder bags predominantly on one side, or slouching while doing computer work – it doesn’t have to be obvious trauma for it to occur. Often times, clients have no idea how they hurt themselves or why they have “knots”.

The Injury Cycle:
Tissue Trauma > Inflammation > Muscle Spasm > Adhesions > Altered Neuromuscular Control > Muscle Imbalance 

Pain doesn’t have to be a constant. Treat yourself and your body. Get back to the original you.