Yoga & Massage: Combining Modalities for Ultimate Results

Yoga and massage are proven ways to decrease stress and elevate our overall quality of life. At Therapeutic Bodywork in New Windsor, we’ve found that weaving these healing modalities can lead to outstanding results. We’ve created a space to facilitate the practice of both, either together or individually. 

Yoga increases flexibility and range of motion, while massage therapy helps improve muscle tone and reduce inflammation. After your yoga class, a massage will help decrease the storage of lactic acid in the body, allowing a quicker recovery for your muscles. A massage prior to yoga can help release tension in tight muscles, which can then be followed by specific poses for a deeper stretch. Yoga stimulates full and complete breaths, which are also an integral component of massage. 

Oxygen & Optimal Motion

Both yoga and massage detoxify and oxygenate our bodies by increasing flexibility, blood flow, and range of motion. Both practices are exquisite modalities for releasing stress and gently promoting optimal internal functions. Yoga is even considered a form of self-massage! Twisting, folding, squeezing and bending are tonics for the internal organs. 

Communication is Key

It’s important to maintain clear and open communication with both your massage therapist and your yoga teacher. Tell them about your current physiological state before they begin. They’ll be sure to customize your practice to your needs and goals so you gain the most benefit out of your entire wellness routine.

However you choose to double up your yoga and massage practices, you’re sure to derive exponentially-increased benefits from both. At Therapeutic Bodywork in New Windsor, we offer the complementary healing modalities of yoga and massage and we invite you to join us. Let us know how we can help you on your journey toward your best self.